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The Miracle of Water
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by Reza Kareemi
Excerpts from ALIVE Canadian Journal of Health and Nutrition #195 1999

In human beings, 70% of the weight and 80% of the brain is water. Even our bones contain 30 to 40% water. We can live for a month without food but not more than a week without water.

Water is a compound of two highly inflammable gases in nature: hydrogen and oxygen (H2O). Separately, each gas will burn. Together they destroy many disease-causing germs and viruses. This water is essential to the body’s vital processes. We could not even use the oxygen we inhale were it not that the lung tissues are constantly moist.

The digestive juices contain a high percentage of water and our blood consists of 90% water. Many substances, in addition to the blood cells, are dissolved in this water. The elimination of body wastes through the kidneys requires water. Evaporation of water from the skin helps regulate body temperature.

Many people consider water as just a drink to take when they feel thirsty, not knowing that the miracle of water goes far beyond thirst.

Water helps us remove the countless germs of our bodies through perspiration, nasal discharges, urine and stool. Water works wonders in the cleansing of our internal parts. It’s excellent for taking away all the germs and toxic elements. If you don’t drink enough water, toxins remain in your body. This also prevents absorption of nutrients.

The first and most common result of not drinking enough clean, fresh water is the formation of bladder or kidney stones. The minerals in our food that are supposed to come out through urine stay in the bladder instead. As time passes, those small pieces of minerals form sticky substances. Finally they are petrified.

There is no better way to cure bladder stones, or even prevent them from forming, than drinking 12-15 glasses of clean, fresh water during each 24-hour period. One can even drink more. There is no harm in drinking too much water, except possibly a little discomfort in the stomach or a need to urinate more frequently.

Aside from the bladder, there are parts of the body, especially the legs and the feet, that may retain too many chemical residues like salt, sugar, acidic substances and fats that cause pains and stiffness, particularly in old age. Some believe that both arteriosclerosis and rheumatism are direct results of excessive substances that clog the joints, cause swelling and retain toxic waste and poisons.

Many strokes and heart attacks could be avoided if there was sufficient water to reduce the thickness of the blood and clots. Water dilutes as well as cleans the blood and helps the kidney to better purify the whole body. Water therapy alone can’t prevent all strokes, but a good number of them can be avoided.

All of the problems associated with a lack of water will result in one major problem: fast aging.

Just as a flower or tree leaf withers and finally gets yellowish and dies because of lack of water, the human skin and body withers and dies because of lack of water. It becomes fresher with a substantial amount of water throughout the whole body, including the largest organ: the skin.

A human body needs air, light, water and nutrition to grow. Water is the basic element through which molecules and proteins reach the cells and are absorbed to help the cells live and grow. When there is not enough water, both nourishment and the elimination of toxic wastes are slowed down, causing slow and lesser growth of body and mind.

One of the most helpful aspects of drinking more water is that it supplies additional oxygen to both our bodies and minds, which is essential for physical and mental development.  Oxygen is the most necessary element. Just a few minutes without oxygen can cause incurable damage to the brain and heart or even death.

Millions of people today suffer from obesity. They may be surprised to find that water can be one of the best, easiest and least expensive ways for reducing.

Here are some simple ways to reduce weight with water:

* Half an hour before eating, drink a big glass of water— two or three if you can. This reduces your appetite, takes away the desire to drink during or just after the meal (which are both harmful to your digestive system) and fills your stomach so you won’t have much room for other foods.

*Skip the fatty, sweet and salty snacks—drink water. It’s a perfect substitute.

The best way to prevent ulcers or even cure them is to have something in the stomach. Use clean water to prevent stomach acidity, the progress of ulcers and other stomach complications. This way, water is used as a healthy medicine with no side effects.

A large percentage of asthma cases are caused by pollen, dust or certain foods or drugs. Clean water intake, especially hot water, will help to wash away these elements. Water is also a potent germ killer. It destroys a large portion of asthma causing germs. Make sure, however, that the water you drink is pure.                       

Reza Kareemi is a writer and practitioner in the Phillipines

For best results our recommendation is to use ionized water produced by a Regency counter top model. This water is more easily absorbed due to the restructured hexagonal molecular structure which passes through bodily tissue faster. The alkalinity of this water will neutralize acidic waste build up and help flush it out of the body. The increased amount of hydroxyl ions present are an excellent anti-oxidant.

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